At our games at Zone27, we try to make it fun for both milsimmers and skirmishers. That start with dresscode. Everytime I put a dresscode, I get flodded with people asking me if they can wear this and that. It's very hard to make up a scenario that will enable people to wear their favorite gear and still fit in the milsim optic.
Regarding the mission, we implement and strongly encurage roleplay. Our 2 last milsims where a blast because of it. The negociations where very tense. The milsimer can take part in the long range infiltration and special mission while the skirmisher can search and destroy. We use the bases and spawn point to allow the skirmishers the respawn quickly if they don't get the medic attention.
I think that the mejority of the players are pleased this way. The rest is their part to make. If we build a game designed to be a milsim but all the teams just hang around the bases and do nothing, that's their fault.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne