One more quick story that I always get a chuckle out of.
This field is of course not a paintball place or anything like that. Private land on a very nice farm. 360 degrees around us are crops.
We have a parking lot that is mowed in for us on the field.
One of my fears when starting this was having 30-35 guys come out, play, have lunch, and leave the place like a pig sty.
I go out their usually once a week by myself on an evening and just plink a few targets and fart around. Have a beer etc. Get away. Quite amazing actually how beautiful it is.
I always head home with a smile. Why? Cause I look down at the grass where 30-35 guys were last week and the weeks before and NEVER see a shred of gargbage.
"....Your life is ending one minute at a time..."
Last edited by Trev140_0; August 2nd, 2012 at 22:06..