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Old July 27th, 2012, 12:39   #1282
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Danger Zone
Players who loose control of their temper (and this has been already said) need to be ejected then and there.

There's positive aggression in the spirit of the game can be expressed; trash talking, the desire to hunt down a particular player, or gain an objective are all part and parcel of this.

As soon as someone looses their temper and attacks with the red mist on they can't get another chance to bite that game. If it's a constant pattern of loosing it then they can't be welcome.

It sure sounds like some of these people mentioned in the thread who aim for the head should be booted. From the tone of the comments they sound like habitual problems. If they're the organizer/host/buddy of then you have to vote with your feet and don't attend those events.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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