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Old July 27th, 2012, 11:00   #16
m102404's Avatar
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Location: Toronto
Certainly...if you're dealing with a switch unit for a sten/psg1/KSC HK33/some of the Real Sword stuff/TM Type 98/Thompson/etc...then I'd consider prioritizing the longevity of the harder to get parts as well.

I'm referring to "run-of-the-mill" v2/v3/249 mechbox based guns...which makes up a huge portion of what's out there and what commonly hits the field.

I don't doubt you could get a mosfet to fit just about anything (I've seen and built some very small ones)...I said that I thought that the expense, effort and opportunities to work on the mechbox relagate the "necessity" of a having a MOSFET to a trivial point for most guns and some people.

While it's nice to see some guns come out with a MOSFET in place...and some complete mechboxes have had MOSFETs prewired for a long time now...not all things are created equal and some of the stuff is boarderline enough to not be worth the while.

With regards with plasti-dipping a MOSFET...I have not done so...would it not adversely affect the heat dissipation of the unit? (I'm thinking of the plasti-dip I've used for plier maybe there's a different material?)
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