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Old July 25th, 2012, 22:58   #10
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Calgary
I had my Bolt Action for over 2 years now and been playing every season. Sometimes even in the cold. Before that I have many AEG built to be a DMR, from ICS to G&G and even CA. To be honest, it's easy to upgrade a rifle but getting a good feel for it takes time. I just want you to remember that. Once your confident with it, you'll out preform other with even a stock rifle.

Anyways, I currently running a Well L96 fully upgraded. Spent over $1200 on the upgrade alone. The L96 only cost me $300 new. You'll hear a lot of people saying you need a 'high' quality platform but I feel it's completely unnecessary specially if your going to gut the gun and fill it with new stuff anyways. Why bother spending that extra $100-200 on a 'fancy' brand?

Here's how I see it on mechanical aspect of airsoft.
Stock AEG > Stock BA
Stock AEG = Upgraded BA
Upgraded AEG > Upgraded BA

Reason being AEG has semi/full auto. With that said you'll be able to see the wind affecting your bb and shoot again while the condition is similar to the first shot whereas BA you'll have that 1-2 sec delay(cocking the handle) and will have to remember where your first shot land and consider the new condition you maybe facing. Condition as in natural environment.

Upgrading a AEG isn't easy either. There's more that could go wrong because of more parts. Ex: higher FPS meaning new cylinder head, new gearset, and higher voltage battery. With higher voltage battery you'll have to consider the strength of your motor. Aside from all that, you'll need a good hop up unit with good rubber if you plan on semi/full auto. This would all cost you around $700-900 depending on brands.

As for the PSG1, I've seen a friend of my trying to find aftermarket parts for that thing, and to be honest, most places don't make those stock parts. If anything were to break you'll have a hell of a time looking for replacement part. Or even a new gun in this case.

What I would recommend is, start off with a AEG. Build it a DMR. Once you feel like your ready to take on a bolt action, start by playing your AEG like a BA. Meaning don't even use semi. Take a shot. Eye off scope. Pull your charging handle. Re-scope. Fire. If you can stand that, get a cheap BA and play it stock for a couple game. If it is right for you. Find a website where you could buy everything at once. That way you'll save a lot on shipping. Also pick up a few extra micro like hopup unit o-rings/springs.

I'm sorry if you know all this and a drag to read but I wasted a lot of money to find my sweet spot and I hope you won't make as much mistake as I did.
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