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Old July 25th, 2012, 10:42   #105
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Location: Red Deer, AB
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Just as an example which isn't going to justify any minors at any games as I believe these kids are an extreme exception:

We have a guy on our field who uses airsoft to spend time with and bond with his two kids. They're 12-14 years old, armed to the gills and a lot of fun to play with. Hell, one of the kids was my fire team partner at one point and he's an evil little ninja.

They and their father are all players who are well aware of the risks and understand the inherent dangers of the sport and they all conduct themselves safely. In fact, as an administrator of the local club, I have had more problems with members of the local reserve unit than these kids. Despite that, would they be permitted on field without their dad? No, absolutely not. It's not that we don't trust those kids or think they immature. But no one on the field except their father can or will take legal responsibility for them.

Hear that? It's not maturity. It's legal responsibility. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY.

LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY *could drone on, repeating this forever, stupid motherfuckers are always going to whine about maturity*

Are we understanding it yet? It's not about maturity. Liability does not care if you're as wise as Mahatma Gandhi or as dim-witted as Paris Hilton. Your maturity is completely fucking irrelevant.
Age Verifier - Lower Vancouver Island
Brotherhood of Nod - Nod Prime || Vancouver Island Airsoft League - President
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