One late november night in 2003 an air bubble passed while I was in the shop and I created this little monster..
Remember Fox it's the gun you used on your first airsoft game........
Anyway over the years I sold and bought this gun about 4 times... I always manage to keep track of where it's been.. But last time the gun moved in the hands of at least 3 different owners and lost track of it while my attention was on taking my real ar-15 apart for the first time.
Anyway I'm looking for it once again... complete or parts of..( namely the front end and the stock).
I sold it to panzerman who sold it thruw Iceman to........ that is where the trail goes cold.
SO if you happen to have parts of it or the whole I would realy like to have a talk with you to either buy it back of just let you know that I'm a future buyer... Yeah it would be easyer just to machine an other one but a copy is not the original..
Thanks guys... btw last time I called on asc to find one of my old guns I found it within 2 weeks... and got it back within 8... lets see if we can do better this time around
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC
Murphy's second rule: Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself.