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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:36   #30
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Markham, Ontario
Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
@mmmken - Do you have a Military ID - I do NOT have Military ID
I remember six things from the conversation when you first verified me, and although the specifics are blurred, I am sure that they were talked about that night. In fact, I can recall the table we were seated at, where you were seated and where I was, and numerous things very clearly.

Amongst these six things are the following (in chronological order):
  1. I offered you coffee, and you declined.
  2. Don't piss off the people on ASC. You made this point very important and it has been embedded in my head because of you.
  3. Airsoft safety. You went into a very drawn out speech about proper gun handling, and how not to be a dumbass. I thank you for this.
  4. I had an AEG, and you tried to persaude me into getting into the world of GBB/R's. I was worried about the regular maintainance required with GBB/R's and you told me that there weren't many problems.
  5. You told me that you were previously affliated with the Forces (not sure exactly the specifics) and that you now work for an IT company.
  6. You mentioned something about a Military ID nearing the end of the conversation, but this is extremely clouded for some reason.

The above allowed me to respect you much more easier, in addition to the way you acted and how professional you were that night. Having that said, I think I'm satisfied if you say you weren't/aren't in the Forces, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt because of my bad memory and your reputation.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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