@Janus I don't mind if people ask questions. I have nothing to hide, and
I freely state again that I am NOT a serving member, Nor was I EVER an officer.
@Brian I don't know what he heard in the midst of running from zombies. Kokanee is a good guy. I have no reason to believe that Kokanee would purposefully say anything that he did not himself truly believe.
Regardless of such, In his mind, he thinks I have wronged, and I don't blame him for wanting to bring this issue to light. I do however sincerely hope that he understands now that I in no way intended to mislead him or take from the service he gives to this country.
If that was the impression I left with him, then I again sincerely apologize.
@mmken I asked everyone who I verified to bring in a government Photo ID. The acceptable forms of Photo ID are (as stated with the verifier requirements). (Drivers License, Birth Certificate or Military ID)
Since I ask all people for a photograph of the ID for the people I am verifying (In case of issues developed in the community), I required a picture of that ID.
Feb 02, 2011
Originally Posted by DarkAngel
Originally Posted by mmmken
Hey there,
I was wondering if you had some time to age verify me. I'm in Markham (Kennedy/7) - I can drive around to meet you, but not very far as my car is very afraid of snow, lol.
Wednesday is the next verification date.
6:30pm at the Tim Hortons on Markham Road and
Tuxedo Court Across from the Mcdonalds.
You will need the following
1) Government Issue Photo ID (Drivers Licence or Military ID Preferred)
2) Consent to a photograph of both the ID and the Verifee
3) Send a PM to confirm your attendance the night before. You will receive a reply with a contact number the morning of.
4) Once the Verification is completed, you will need to send a PM to me with your full name under your account to verify that it was you who had met with me.
Failure to do any of the above will result in your Verification Process being delayed.
If you are unable to meet at the above time, please let me know before the morning of the meeting.
That is the standard copy/paste response I send to all that asked me for verification.
Anyone/Everyone whom I've verified can vouch for that, and I have records of all whom I've verified. (which is why I have 1800+ pm's stored in my inbox)