I was stuck on the same thing and ended up going for the Mayflower APC.
Great craftsmanship, great company, and the fact that it's damn light were some of the reasons I went with it. The banshee had too many horror stories of stitching issues, bad customer service, and from the pics, it looked like it would be too small for my needs. I'm pretty sure all the issues have since been corrected, but I figured if I was spending the money to get it shipped all the way to my house, I wouldn't really be too happy if I had to send it back.
As far as price goes, the Banshee has it hands down. Great price for some good quality gear. If your on a budget, I would say go for the Banshee.
If you wanted to see how the APC would sit on a person, SpecialOpsM4 has a review of it on his YouTube channel. Hes got it on a manikin, which I found gave me the best idea of what it would look like on a person of my build.
So, after rambling on I would say this
If you want something that's a bit cheaper, still good quality, and to run as a slim and scary plate carrier for use with a belt system or only a few pouches, go for the Banshee.
If you want something high quality, from a great company, that's light, comparable to an LBT 6094, and with a few more features than the Banshee, go with the APC.
I picked mine up, along with a few extra pouches, from SKD Tactical during there 4th of July sale this week. If you like, I can give you an update on the sizing once it arrives next week.
My only worry about death is that my fiancé will sell my gear for what I SAID I paid for it.....
Last edited by Rush; July 7th, 2012 at 08:53..