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Old July 4th, 2012, 14:13   #148
Brian McIlmoyle
Brian McIlmoyle's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Toronto
Project is still plugging along.. tempo is reduced..

We have sufficient interest to move forward so this event will be happening

I suggest that everyone focus on Recruiting more members for their units.

and kicking up their impressions,

Also some investment in Camp Impressions would be good as well, we want to be able to establish both an ALLIED and AXIS historic Camp

To help out with Impressions ..

Hessen antique has a special on for Canadians, 15% off their order-- here are the details below.. Hessen is pretty much a one stop shop for AXIS kit...

so this is an excellent opportunity to make some good kit investment and save some money as well

details below

Rick Squeri
Jul 2 (2 days ago)

to info, Rick
Greetings from Sunny Montreal and Happy Canada Day!

I’m up here working on a project, it’s been a real pleasure to be back in Canada after so many years! Iris and I have been impressed with the ever increasing amount of orders we receive from our friends in Canada. You’ve made Hessen Antique one of the leading militaria dealers in Canada. To show our appreciation we are sending you a special coupon for 15% off your orders this month. This coupon is only for use by our Canadian customers, no one else. The coupon is valid from today until 31 July 2012 and there is a minimum order of $50.00. You can use it as often as you like during this period.

To get the 15% savings, just use this coupon code at checkout: MLTHA12

We hope you all have a safe and happy summer and thanks again for all your business!!!


Rick Squeri
(678) 501-5482
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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