I've been reading quite a lot about the KWA's LM4 since yesterday as I just bought the one from the classifieds (eager to get it now! first GBBR I'll get :P)
Reviews and what not seems to say it is indeed reliable
Some people (maybe 4-5 mags out of 10, so arguably "few to a lot") had issues of very slow leaks from the output valve which is easily fixable using a ValveKey, cleaning and oiling it up.
As for the recoil, there's a discussion on Kwa's forum about the Angry Gun recoil kit (which breaks the bolt) but where some guys uses RS buffer/springs with good results.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
Real life comparison,
GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle
AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh