I don't see the issue here. "Every" event should chrono "every" gun. "every" gun must meet the safety requirements of FPS/joule limits. If your indoor limit is 360 FPS then all pistols, SMGs, ARs, LMGs, etc must be below that standard. If your playing outdoors the same rules apply to the outdoor limit. Some people show great amounts of experience and maturity, but you don't reward them by allowing them to use a hotter gun. That sets a bad example.
As for guns that are easily adjustable in FPS, the owner is responsible for it. If anyone is caught changing springs, cylinders, propellant, or adjusting their MPAS after a chrono check; I'd throw them out of the game forthwith, ban them from future events. I'd also alert the local Airsoft community about them.
Basically your talking about safety and honor. Both of those things are paramount in Airsoft. Set the rules, and make sure everyone follows them; from newbs to vets.
FYI, FPS doesn't alone decide how far and accurate a gun shoots. If a pistol that is within the safety rules is outshooting your ARs and snipers, the issue is with your big guns, not the pistol.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
Last edited by Ricochet; June 25th, 2012 at 16:55..