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Old June 20th, 2012, 23:25   #11
Join Date: Jun 2012

Originally Posted by Ktown Militia View Post
Usually that is the case, but when you get young or inexperienced players that do not know or play by the rules, it's not merrier at all.

Here's the group page:

Remember 18 only or 16 by knowing and playing with another member!

We've come to this as we have allowed the younger crowd to play and well, in short, they have ruined it for the rest of em. So we are going back to the rules that were once used and enforced!
Me and a bud have been playing airsoft for well over a year now and are fair players. Were experienced players but are only 16. Our rules may vary from yours but we make sure to follow them, we would love to join in on your group.
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