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Old June 17th, 2012, 19:57   #10
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Originally Posted by Sportco View Post
I'm interested by the wax based stuff you using

More details?
I'm just trying it out for a year or so to see the results. I know there's the saying if it isn't broken don't fix it but I say if it isn't broken there aren't enough features yet!

Anyways this is the stuff I'm trialling right now:

Basically it's designed for bicycle gears/chains/crank sets. There's no petroleum products (I've checked) and doesn't appear to damage O-rings or anything. Wax is a natural lubricant and "slippery". It's used on snowboards and skis when you do a base wax, there's wax based bicycle lubes, etc. So I thought I'd try it out in a gearbox.

Other lubricants that I'm interested in testing and seeing the results are; Molybdenum, Graphite (graphite powder is used a lot as a lubricant in mining machinery), and maybe a "wet" oil based lube (thinking of doing either White Lightning Wet Ride or Finishline Ceramic Wet as my next test).

Obviously this is an extreme thing to do that in the grand scheme of things probably isn't needed but I just like experimenting and tinkering, it's in my blood as an engineer. If I can make something slightly more efficient or better then I consider that a success (I'm sure there's professional chemical engineers that work on this kind of stuff to make better lubes but I don't really fret all that much since I'm more Civil/Geotech). Honestly like vondnik said white lithium is good enough and although I've never seen white lithium cake up in an airsoft gearbox I have seen it do so in other applications (maybe they were crappy/low grade lithium mixtures?).

Note that lithium grease isn't actually the lithium element itself, they actually use the "soap" that forms from a Hydroxide and Acid reaction and mix it in with oils to make lithium grease.
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