Originally Posted by Aedan798
if I get the MTV vest from pantac is it accurate or the USMC will change their molle vest to the SPC for the entire corps?
The MTV is already being phased out in favor of the IMTV (possibly entirely phased out by now). The SPC is a supplement to the IMTV; if there's a replacement it'll be the PC posted below:
Originally Posted by JohnGol10
About time. That looks half decent.
Originally Posted by Cthulu
Is there anyone who nkow the typical loadout for a driver?
SOP for vehicles crews in an AO is typically to wear the same armor as dismounts. There appears to be some variances by unit/unit commander. I've also read about some tankers leaving out the rear SAPI plate, leaving out SAPI plates but doubling up on soft armor, etc.