Originally Posted by L473ncy
Lithium white grease? In my experience it's something to avoid. Sure it's good but eventually gets gummed up, "cakes" and can increase wear after dirt gets attracted to it and starts to cake and get everywhere. But I guess if you take it apart every few games it probably doesn't get to the point where it gets gummy, cakes up, and flakes off. It's much better to use something like Modify Gear grease which contains PTFE (AKA Teflon) since it doesn't seem to cake at least when I used it.
As for the superlube interesting choice, I'd like to see how it works out for you in the long term. According to the website it doesn't run, drip, evaporate form gummy deposits, and will not melt or separate. Seems like a good choice.
I picked the white lithium grease cause I use it on the Gears and bushings cause I want a heavier grease on the metal to metal points
as for the super lube it does have PTFE in it I find it has low resistances with the piston head o-rings and piston guides, I know some might not agree using more then one lube in a gearbox but it seems to work for me as of now