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Old June 3rd, 2012, 23:48   #27
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan
Mind blown. I found these awhile ago, but finally managed to forget about them... DAMN YOU!

The FPS makes me wonder though. It say the VSS Vintorez, and the AS Val will be shooting about 320FPS, while the Vihkr will be 3805ish?! Something is fishy.

I love the AS VAL though! Definitely going to get one, depending on how the Vihkr is in function when it comes out. According to the website the Vihkr's removable silencer actually has a proper inner barrel inside it. I've never seen anything like that, but then again I don't like putting silencers on weapons normally. I like the idea of having a AKS-74U length CQB weapon, and being able to lengthen the barrel for more accurate work. (As long as adding the silencer will actually help like having a full inner barrel would work.)

I'm also wondering who is going to make the (Replica) optics for these. They don't have conventional side mounts. I'd love a Kobra or maybe a PK-A.

I've also been told LCT do not manufacture gearboxes they get them from CYMA... Why would they get/list LCT gearboxes instead of CYMA? Anyone have information about this?

EDIT: Finally... Found this in the forums listed by a site admin about the AS VAL. "The product is represented in the photo series and is already available at our dealers." Ended up looking through dealers and finding out that the damn things are available!! Lets get these in Canada, someone needs to import these properly!!

Also on their website they mention that the companies that have their (Zeta Labs) products listed for low prices are wrong. (Looks like this thing is $850ish)
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