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Old May 31st, 2012, 08:28   #4
MaciekA's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
Originally Posted by Bubbahoetep View Post
Hey I am planning on using my friends as target practice this weekend and I have a problem!

My hop-up unit is toast!

So, my question is will this fit in my KingArms Colt M4A1 without any problems?

(Madbull Ultimate Hop-Up M4/M16)

Thanks! Any input about this item is appreciated!
I have one of these units and have tried it in about half a dozen AEGs and I've never quite been happy with it. I've seen some reports that these sometimes require a tiny bit of modification (with a Dremel tool) before they feed properly. My unit has that problem and I haven't gotten around to widening the bucking chamber / loading chamber edge yet. Some people have no issues so it seems to depend on batch.

If you are buying a hopup unit from Airsoft Parts, personally, I highly recommend the Modify Accurate Hopup unit instead. I personally run 4 of these with great success, and my teammates run an additional 2 or 3 of these as well. Excellent performance and fitment all around.

If you are shopping for a good bucking to go with it, grab the Madbull red shark bucking. Fitment is good and the one airsoftparts sells comes in a pack of two.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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