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Old May 18th, 2012, 18:08   #141
B@K3R's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Beamsville Ontario
thats what I would be neat

can we use field phones and period radios as well?

road in the forest? or small paths?

Are we trying to keep this as a NWE area?

When does every body want it to take place?
Days after D-Day or mid summer?

Another mission idea is...

The Germans have landed in Scotland where some Allied units are getting ready for DDay

After losing there radio in a river the Germans are un able to report the acual location of the invasion of Europe. The Germans are now pushing for a large BBC Radio Station to get there message out to Germany so they can stop the invasion.
"First to go last to know - We will defend to the death your right to be misinformed".

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