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Old May 16th, 2012, 14:33   #2
The Rain Man
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: London, Onatrio
This is all good and well for a Level I Living History event and we were asking for 100%.

But this is a Level I with an 80 - 100% impression.

I really don't think they need to go this deep, at least not for this one. For example... if they didn't have the badges... they're good to go. If they just had the basics... they're still good to go.

All that you have mentioned above isn't necessary to get a player on the field for this game. And we are not asking to pass a close up inspection to get on the field. Again, all that you mention and suggest is great to get a re-enactor to snuff for a living history event but not necessary for a player to attend this event.

I would also suggest that you re-title your thread because when I look at it from the furom page it looks just like Brian's thread.

Last edited by leecas; May 16th, 2012 at 14:48..
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