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Old May 12th, 2012, 11:23   #67
B@K3R's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Beamsville Ontario
if you what to just say its like D-Day + 27 something like that

Just a Idea here...

Allies are pushing into France.

After a joint OSS SAS operation, the Allies learn that the Germans are getting ready to unleash a new secret weapon. A long range bomber capable of hitting the North American East cost.

A quick look a unit locations they determine that the US 101st AB and British 6th AB will be able to react to this new threat.

The 101st and 6th slowly get pulled off the line being replaced by the 29th ID and the 3rd AD. After a winding 12 hour ride in the back of 6x6s, they are ready to start pushing toward this hidden AF and factory located in Southern France.


The 2nd SS that was just called up too join the fighting in Normandy, run into the 101st and 6th.

Well fighting the Germans discover that the Allies have a Nerve Agent, witch they are planing to use on Berlin, when the capture the AF and steal a plane.


All out battle as the Allies try to push for the AF and the Germans try to get to the Stock Pile of Nerve Gas the Allies have dropped to take up arms

What about that?
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