Thread: ARES?
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Old May 12th, 2012, 02:38   #19
Join Date: Mar 2010
I have the TAR-21 (the standard ver. without the shitty MARS sight replica). It's ok. Overall the body is relatively solid, no wobbles. Relatively stock it has performed ok. Here are some thoughts I have about it:
- stock nozzle is poop, replace immediately with an M4 type (this will fix some compression issues
- there is an issue with the selector switch, sometimes it sticks. There is a post on airsoft mechanics that looks at this and has a solution. Otherwise you have to do the whole full then semi trick
- learn to hold the gun properly, otherwise you will hit the silly mag release a lot. Not cool in the middle of a firefight
- mech box design prevents certain types of pistons from fitting
- trigger has a mushy feeling. Not exactly my liking, but could be yours
- unique, proprietary hop up and trigger mechanism
- quick change spring is nice
- tension release feature is nice
- butt stock rubber gets worn easily

Have fun
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