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Old May 11th, 2012, 23:56   #65
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Originally Posted by Krieg View Post
Do these mainstream themes matter?

Personally I've never been too keen on naming airsoft games after such large scale operations, which involve divisions.

What about just saying the battle is taking place between, say American, British troops and a KG of various scattered German elements in the vicinity of Falaise or some other French or Dutch or Belgian etc. town, where the probability of British and American troops meeting is higher.

Planning and naming a platoon-on-platoon event (which is the approximate size of either side, I anticipate to partake), based on field conditions.

The event could be an attempt by German forces for a tactical withdrawal through a 'gap' or perhaps a vehicle recovery by whichever side?

Just brainstorming after a few beers
Myself i don't really care as long as i get to shot Natzies

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