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Old May 2nd, 2012, 10:29   #5
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
ohhhhh ho ho ho
I just did a reading last year at claybank, and you may not believe the answer, but I swear it's true.
I use an 11.1v 4900mah 20C LiPo, on a MOSFET, with an EF1300 motor, at 380fps and around 1200rpm. I use a high average of 400mah per 2500 round box mag
I used about 900mah over 3 boxes of ammo


Reasons for this ridiculously high efficiency rating;
1) LiPos, being able to provide all the amperage your motor needs, are more efficient than NiMH
2) MOSFET switch, saves a HUGE amount of energy by bypassing the analog V2 trigger (G&P 249s use V2 mechboxes)
3) Upgraded wiring, because you can measure a difference in ROF when you upgrade your wiring, it really does help.
4) EF1300 motor. The best ever made for airsoft, high torque, high speed, balanced, energy efficient, just all around amazing motor. Using a bad motor that's arcing or has a bent armature will drain batteries like hemi chugs gas.
5) Full auto. Lots of it. 30-100 round bursts. Full auto is more energy efficient than semi auto, especially if you're using semi auto with an active braking mosfet. Why? Because it's takes a hell of a lot more energy to start and stop(active braking) a motor than it does to just continue running.
6) Heavy ass gearset. Prometheus gears are heavier than most, due to using high quality steel, but they also carry a lot of momentum of their own, so it's easy to carry through full auto
7) Triple torque gears. That's right, triple torque gears with a max 1350rpm ROF. Higher torque gears means less torque on your motor, which means more energy goes to speed instead of torque. And it takes a lot of torque to get that heavy ass gearset going 1200rpm.

Everything in my M249's mechbox is carefully chosen and specifically meant to maintain full auto, while putting a minimal amount of strain on the motor.
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