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Old April 21st, 2012, 13:25   #8
will always be Mike Litoris in our hearts
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: North York - Toronto
I guess you haven't had money disappear from your account. Or haven't had to exchange money from US to CAN or CAN to US. I had 400 tied into my paypal in US currency waiting for the exchange rates to equalize so I get a fair rate. Paypal held the rates artificially high in favor of CND so I would get shafted by $20 when I converted to CND. It stayed like that for over 2 weeks before I said fuck it and transfered the money because I needed to pay bills.

Look at this pic notice the different rates?? Paypal makes A LOT of money doing this.

100 CAN should get you in real life at least 100 USD at the very least when the dollar is trading basically at parody. Paypal says nope you only get 98 USD. Where does that 2 dollars go? Into their pocket.
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Last edited by jordan7831; April 21st, 2012 at 13:28..
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