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Old April 13th, 2012, 15:43   #12
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Originally Posted by Joshery View Post
Ok, so I took the gearbox apart again and made sure everything was in right. Then I put the motor back in the grip and started slowly tightening it and testing it, but it just made a grinding sound as soon as it touched the gears, and stopped if you pushed it in any further.... I'm thinking I missed something in the gearbox... I'll check yet again.
check the wiring on your motor, you may have the polarity reversed. ive done it a few times in haste. if you changed your connector to deans or something you may have reversed the polarity at the connector. If the wiring is all correct, then it sounds like something is jamed or binding inside the mechbox.

your either over shimed, your piston rotated when you put the gearbox back together. or there is something in the teeth of your gears. to check your shimming. take your piston and spring out of the mechbox, and reassemble it without them. see if you can spin your gears with ease. if you cant then there is your problem. your gears should have some slight play, less than a mm to allow for lubrication.
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