Thread: G&p m14 dmr
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Old April 11th, 2012, 18:40   #45
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Originally Posted by MMatersk View Post
Next time go VFC. On my third gun with them not a single issue. On the other hand I feel your frustration 500$ and changing things out sucks. Regardless of what people post you shouldn't have too do this.
VFC have had their issues as well, for a while there they use impact drivers to tightend their hop up resulting in broken hop and other issues too fortunately their QC has made vast improvement. Like I state before in some other thread companies like TM, KA and others have their growing pain and unfortunately some companies have grown too big to notice the little things, as for the frustration of needing to swap things out after spending $500 to make it shoot as it should well same can be said with PTW why do I have to spend extra to make it shoot better or pay for the motor mods or risk the motor failing on a $1800 gun?, however consider that G&P have to be upgraded with a stronger out of regular speced spring to make it import legal the OP should have just let the original importer do the spring swap on site instead of his local affiliate. That way there are no confusion as to who is responsible for what and anygun you purchased especially in person you should test fire it make sure there are no issues that way any issue can be dealt with on site.

Last edited by wildcard; April 11th, 2012 at 18:47..
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