My beef with G&P is that because of the gear issues it's not that great.
Truth be told I own a G&P and it's kick ass but for a lot of newbies I don't tend to recommend G&P for the reason alone that you need to go into your gearbox and switch out the gears pretty much right away or they'll shear off either at the axles or the teeth. For such a high quality gun you'd expect a lot better.... Hell I'm running Element torque gears in my G&P ATM and they're far superior to the stock G&P gears.
As far as SHS goes, I've been hearing a lot of good about them lately, before I passed them off as a "me too" ACM company that made low quality airsoft stuff (eg. Dream Army, 5KU, Supershooter, AGM, etc.). I might have to try them in the future if my gears ever break. If I don't decide to make the leap and get a SiegeTek set.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew