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Old March 27th, 2012, 18:19   #9
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Location: Calgary, AB
Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Are you using AB and going full auto? If so there's your problem. AB is pretty much for single shot/DMR only because if you go full auto too much the AB will instantly stop the motor and does that by reversing polarity to "halt" any over spinning.

I dont think the raptor can reverse the polarity. The positive wire on the motor goes directly to the battery, not through the raptor. For most small DC motor applications such as airsoft, RC cars and RC planes, the braking works by shorting the motor poles to cause a current loop and stop the motor that way.

If you'd like to try it out for yourself, take a motor (not in a gun), connect it directly to the battery, and let it spin up. Then quickly take the leads off the battery and touch them together. The motor stops, instantly.
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