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Old March 14th, 2012, 20:33   #521
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Boston MA
I can help once we make a deal for that MBSS .

Alright guys, so here is what I am currently aiming for:

Second Line-
*Pantac MBSS
*3x Fireforce M4 pouches on front
*FSBE MBITR to far right
*Some sort of admin on chest, or shotgun shell pouch. Maybe even frags.
*USMC Source hydration offset on the back because I just got it and want to use it, will definitely get a MAP later
*IFAK or ACOG pouch to the other side of the hydro

First Line-
*SDS MOLLE belt I took out of my FLC
*EBB 6004 for my MEU
*Some sort of speed reload pouch perhaps
*EI 9mm pouches (They fit my MEU mags really well so why buy .45 pouches right now?)
*AI FSBE leg panel
*2x EI frag pouches
*2x AI Flashbang pouches
*1 fFreforce M4 double

*Waiting to get a car before I buy a helmet since it's hot as hell on Cape Cod most of the time
*Bruins throwback logo hat will suffice until then .

Everything else-
*Tan nomex flight suit
*Bates 85501s
*Voodoo crossfire gloves
*Maybe a PACA (Like with the helmet, I'd rather sacrifice authenticity than risk dehydration and heat stroke).

Last edited by Squeezee; March 16th, 2012 at 22:25..
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