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Old March 13th, 2012, 21:41   #1
MaciekA's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
How to fit a small LiPo in your KAC PDW (should work on VFC and clones by Bravo, DBoys, JM)

Some people have been asking me how to shove a LiPo into the handguard space of the KAC PDW. It's a tedious and annoying process that will have you swearing a few times, but once you've done it once, you could teach your dog how to do it ... Here's the details:

Note: VFC's website has a detailed exploded diagram you can always refer to if my graphic above ever disappears.

1) Make sure you study and carefully observe how PDW-06 or the "dummy bolt plate" works -- you will need to be able to reassemble this after removing some bits.

2) The parts in PDW-07, the faux piston rods, are going to be removed permanently and tossed into your spare parts bin. The space where these rods are is where your battery will go. I have confirmed a G&P 7.4V 1000mAh LiPo can fit in this space and field the gun in this fashion.

3) You will need to remove the two fat cylinders on the rear of the dummy bolt plate. In my graphic they are labelled "B". This is the key step that allows a 1000mAh stick to finally have enough room to fit.

4) Once you put your LiPo in this gun, you will want to re-assemble enough of PDW-06 to keep the barrel steady and in place, but leave out the two cylinders that retain the faux piston rods. I left out anything I was too lazy to put back and wasn't *absolutely* necessary. I even left out those two cylinders on the front.

5) You will need to rewire your gun for Deans, or potentially something smaller if you can manage it. I am using Deans and that works fine.

6) To make this whole process easier, you are going to have to get really comfortable with removing, putting back in, and generally working around the barrel guide block at the rear of part PDW-08. You will be spending a lot of time routing the bullet connectors around this thing, so observe how it's configured before you attack this project and get good at moving wiring through there. First time is a doozy, but it gets easy with practice.

7) STAGE putting your battery in and ensuring you'll have enough freedom to pull your charging interface out of the handguard for when you need to juice this baby up. Do the staging and test BEFORE you completely re-secure and rebuild the entire gun. That's right, the LiPo is going to stay in there for a long time. This is a dedicated battery for now.

Here is what your gun will look like when it is charging:

Here is what the battery looks like in the handguard. Barely noticable except for the wiring on the charging interface cable!

You can easily do a lot of work to hide this battery so that it's not so obvious. I'm lazy and this was good enough for me.

I'd love to see other people's results. My only regret is that I can't fit a 3 cell LiPo in this thing.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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