Similar scope to a Schmidt & Bender "Short Dot"
So I'm trying to find an ACM scope that's similar to the Schmidt & Bender Zenith "Short Dot" basically I want the look without paying the price of the real steel version of the glass. Also I want to mount an "MGM Switchview" lever on it just to get the look I'm going for, if the scope can accommodate that as well then I'll be a happy camper. Also if someone could tell me what one piece scope ring mount that is on the rifle in the below reference pics I would appreciate that as well. Otherwise I'll go with a KAC one piece scope mount that it kind of looks similar to.
Also I would prefer if the scope comes from RSOV but any site will do.
Reference pics for mount below:
Reference pics of the scope:
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
Last edited by L473ncy; March 14th, 2012 at 01:50..
Reason: Grammar mistakes