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Old March 7th, 2012, 22:42   #961
Huron's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Toronto, ON
R1ghty, are you using an aftermarket inner barrel and mid-heavyweight Bastards?

Okay so if anyone is running/trying to run CO2 and has magazines leaking out the top... I found a solid fix!

Worked on my worst leaking mag, and I'm going to do up the other 11 and run them all in near-zero temperatures next week. I'll report back with performance. I'm just using whatever material of o-ring I can find in the right size, but from a quick search butadiene seems like the best for this application. If I don't get a good lifespan out of the current o-rings I will probably retrofit the magazines with butadiene rings from here:
The war between the sexes is over. We won the second women started doing pole dancing for exercise.
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