I have been looking to buy myself an airsoft gun for the last couple years now, and with so many options, I wasn't sure which one to get. I loved the simplicity and versatility of any AR-15 based rifle, especially the type designed for long range shooting. I like BA rifles, however AEG's seemed like the best choice. This would not be my first airsoft gun ever, but would definitely be the first high quality rifle I would own, so I had it made up in my mind I wanted to buy the best.
A friend of mine recently bought the new VFC HK416 and was very impressed with the realistic look and feel. After doing lots and lots of research, I decided I too wanted to buy VFC. Looking back now, I am convinced I made the correct choice.
There are a few reviews on the M4 E-Series guns on the web, but none on the Mark 12 SPR.
So on the the review...
I purchased the VFC M4 E-Series Mark 12 Mod 0 from Black Widow Paintball, a local retailer in Hamilton, which was supplied by Mach1.
The rifle came nicely wrapped and securely placed in a big black cardboard box, pretty standard stuff. It came with one 300 round high cap, 1 replacement spring and a product catalogue.
When I first picked up the gun, I was very impressed with the weight and feel. It felt very solid, with no wobble at all!
The full stock is a very solid ABS plastic, and can house a large battery. Currently I only have a 1200 mah nunchuck battery, which wobbles around inside abit, but a large battery would fit snug.
The receiver is all metal with laser etchings. No real trades on this rifle, only the VFC trades, however they do look good.
The selector switch is stiff, and has a nice 'click' when changing firing modes. The receiver has a functioning bolt catch, which allows the bolt to stay back after pulling the charging handle so you can adjust your hop up. The forward assist can be pushed, but is non functioning.
The RAS is one of the most impressive part on this gun to me. It is 12.5'', one piece CNC'd aluminum.
The outer barrel is 19''. The SPR flashider has a ring which can be removed, exposing threads for a SPR suppressor (which was back ordered and I am still waiting to receive). There is also 14mm threads to attach any other after market barrel extensions/suppressors.
The RAS is attached to the upper receiver with 3/4'' of threading, which is no doubt the reason why there is zero barrel wobble.
To separate the upper and lower receiver, remove the mag and push the two body pins out. Note on VFC guns, the body pins do not fully come out of the receiver, but held in place to avoid losing them.
Removing the upper receiver exposes the aluminum gearbox.
The inner barrel/ hop up can now freely slide out of the outer barrel. The inner barrel is 470mm in length. The hop up unit is clear and seems to function properly using .25g bb's. I have .30g in now and will report on experience with these later.
The removal of 2 hex screws on the underside will loosen the gas block and faux gas tube.
This gas tube was the only part on the gun that rattled, but only when the gun was held upside down. This was because there was nothing for the end closest to the receiver to be secured too. Wrapping the end in electrical tape allows it to sit straight and level now, with zero rattle.
Since the only previous gun experience I had was on my Walmart plastic M4, I had a little trouble at first removing the gearbox.
First, remove battery and flip the fire selector to semi.Then remove pistol grip and motor. (like any M4 lol)
Next, the bolt catch release needed to be removed. There's a little pin the must be pushed out first. Then push down on the piece on the opposite side and the bolt catch should slide right out.
Then push the mag release button in, while rotating the arm on opposite side.
Now for the fun part, the gearbox.
The small piece and spring right below the cylinder is the other side to the bolt catch. That's what you push down to free the bolt catch after removing the pin.
From what I can tell, and from others testimony, the internals are very high quality. The parts are not sitting loose at all, which also made reassembly very easy. There was very minimal grease and seemed to be properly shimmed already. The gearbox uses 8mm bushings*. I removed the spring/piston/cylinder components, closed the mechbox and inspected the gears. They moved very smooth and had no play at all. Well done VFC!
The spring guide does not screw together with stock through the buffer tube, which was much easier. It was also full metal with bearings.
The tappet plate is plastic, but seems strong enough. The piston had the second tooth already removed, however did not quite have correct AoE. I glued a rubber spacer to the cylinder head, and shaved the 3rd tooth to correct AoE.
The piston head is ported aluminum with o-ring, and has GREAT compression. I pulled the cylinder and piston out and covered the nozzle with my finger while pushing the piston in and.... ZERO COMPRESSION LOSS!
Swapped the spring since the original one shot too hot, and might prematurely wear down the internals.
I am extremely impressed with this rifle. Right out of the box it was performing very well. With about $3 in materials, I was able to fix any body/ gearbox issues, and don't expect to have to open this up for a very long time now. I may get new hop up rubbers and a tightbore barrel in the future, but will be running as is now for awhile. I'm really looking forward to taking her to my first game.
I also made an order off airsoftparts.com for a smart charger, .30g madbull bb's, a foregrip/bipod and 5 midcap VN style mags.
Will update pics regularly.
If I've missed anything or you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to get an answer to you quickly.
Thanks for reading!