Thread: Beginner here
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Old June 25th, 2005, 22:07   #5
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Markham-ON
Originally Posted by LaZeDoUt^
When you say you dont wear combat protective gear, you realize you are saying you dont wear goggles..... Hes not asking what you wear, hes asking what he should wear. There is a difference. At first, you dont need combat pants, you should see how the game works, see the kind of conditions/terrain the fields close to you have and buy combats according to the conditions. (eg, forest, sand, urban ect) Definately get a good pair of paintball approved goggles and go from there.
My bad... I don't even think of goggles since I often forget I'm wearing them.

Cheap goggles that you buy for a workshop are generally not a good idea. I've tested them and my M4 blows holes through them like paper.

You don't need ANYTHING other than an airsoft and a facemask (or goggles at the least).
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