I own both of them and I can tell you they are pretty much the same gun. The internals are the same and the performance/kick is the same.
If you are going based on external looks, the M1911A1 looks better because of the Colt markings, whereas the MEU has the 'Professional Cal .45' markings on the slide.
Also, the MEU comes with beefier grips that make it feel rounder in your hands. The 1911A1 feels slender.
I believe the MEU is an updated version of the Colt 1911 with additional features and such for the Marines.
H&K G36c (KWA) / Glock 18c (TM) / Kimber LAPD SWAT Custom (TM) / Mossberg M500 (ACM)
Last edited by ap27; February 26th, 2012 at 01:09..