I'm still running a stock WE Gen 1 trigger box...with the sole exception of part#66 added to it. I can't imagine how many thousands of rounds and trigger pulls it's had.
The mags...while stock...suck balls for leaking. Don't even bother to try and keep them gassed/lubed/etc. Skip right to sealing them with blue/black gasket maker. It's a one time fix and really doesn't take all that long. Have latex/nitrile gloves on though.
The WE 416 upper is really solid. I would recommend that the black oring that goes over the outer before the barrel nut screws down is retained. Tighten to a crush fit...I really like how solid the rail locks into the receiver. Did up a short barreled 416...really solid CQB gun.
Clear gel PTFE grease is superb for GBBRs. No rubber issues...and does not seem to dry up over time and/or solidify at lower temps. Combined with a little silicone oil (same as you would do for pistol mags...not as much as was needed for closed bolt system) it keep everything super slick.
If you're doing joule calcs for field limits...you may find it a struggle to get in down enough with 0.30's. With the closed bolt the system would choke itself off around 310fps (weight regardless) depending on temp. I haven't fiddled much with the NPAS on the open bolt...we usually just run a bit hotter.