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Old February 13th, 2012, 22:14   #12
a.k.a. DeathBot
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Innisfail, AB
I got a couple of people asking about the mods one can do on these revolvers to bring down the fps to something a bit more gameable. So here is a couple of things I found searching the web.

Both of these mods I found on a France airsoft forum. Didnt find them on any english language ones for some reason.

The Chupa Chups mod is very easy, but it needs to be a Chupa Chup lollipop. Basically you stick the Chupa Chup stick (which is hollow) in the end of the shell the gas goes through. It will only go in a few millimeters because the hole tapers smaller as it goes to the front. Then take an exacto knife and cut off the stick flush with the back of the shell. What this does is decrease the size of the hole so less gas can go through.

I havent tried the washer mod yet, but basically what you need to do is find/create a washer that will fit over the button the hammer hits to release the gas. This button is behind a little metal spring, so the washer has to fit behind the spring and around the button. What this does is shorten the length the button can be depressed and in turn limits the amount of gas released.

Like I say I have not tried the washer mod yet, and I dont have a chrono to see how much of a difference the Chupa Chup mod makes, but shooting through cardboard boxes it does seem as though it is shooting weaker.

Hope that helps you out.
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