Originally Posted by Jackarutu
Question 1. Should a shop open new off the truck AEGs and correct AoE?
Question 2. Should a shop upon opening an AEG for repairs that require a new piston be overly concerned with AoE if they are replacing with an OEM piston?
Question 3. Should a shop upon opening an AEG for repairs that requires a new piston check AoE if they are replacing with an aftermarket piston?
Question 4. Should the whole idea of AoE be relegated to the idea of custom work performed by AEG shops?
IMO not worth your time. It's like having "pre-optimzed" guns. If the end user wants it done then do it after they buy it. No point in having one line of pre optimzed guns and another of BNIB guns.
Also what about warranty? By opening the gearbox you've voided the warranty from the manufacturer (at least you have a warranty in the US, cause we in Canada don't really get any kind of warranty on our stuff). What are you going to do if the gun is DOA? What happens if 2 weeks down the road the AEG stops working and you have an irate customer on your hands?
At the end of the day, just upsell the customer on this stuff if you really want to do it but don't do it for them without asking. I know I get pissy about people building/pre-optimizing/setting up my computers because I have a system of building it cleanly and professionally, and I think that I can do it better than most other people (except some of the guys who do custom work on OCN) which would make anything most shops do a waste of time.