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Old January 29th, 2012, 19:58   #515
Originally Posted by Heiligen Wherewolf View Post
Sorry if this is a dumb question but it is really bugging me, I am aware that the USMC uses USAF Forward Air Controller's for their infantry but I was wondering if MARSOC uses them? If so do they fill a role in the squad and use the squads/fireteam's identification patches? If anyone can give me some information on this it would be much appreciated.

AFAIK USAF TACPs(I assume thats who you are referring to) only work with the Army, not USMC. Infantry battalions would have USMC Pilots and other pers trained/employed as a FAC.

Also, the USMC has ANGLICO units that support the MAGTF/FMF and non USMC units - they've supported British units in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

Here's some pics of MARSOC JTACs

Originally Posted by Cthulu View Post
Hope this is ok.

We´re some guys playing airsoft in Norway, work in progress.
USMC impression.
After these pictures were taken, we´ve accuiered some more helmets, and desert shoes. (I´m the guy without the uniform top-part, hung-over and didn´t find it before the shoot...)

waiting on some more photos from the photographer, takes about 6-10 hours per picture...


I might add this.

Theres a mix of MTV´s and Force Recon vests here, all from FLYYE.
Different pouches for different assignments within the squad etc.
The SPR have allso gotten a better sight, better foot, and small m4 mags.
Guys look pretty good, some things stand out though, ie the wrong boots, some guys have sloppy bloused pants, laces sticking out. Also why are guys holding their AEGs like a right handed person, but pistols are set up(holster and ammo pouches) like a left handed shooter?

What kind of USMC impression are you guys going for? Grunt/Infantry or Recon/FR/MARSOC? If doing a grunt impression or training might want to be clean shaven for a more accurate look as well.

Last edited by -Skeletor-; January 29th, 2012 at 20:58..
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