Thread: CO2 Leak?
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Old January 27th, 2012, 19:01   #7
voorhees -FWA-
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Mags shouldn't leak, but they do. Listening for leaks is like listening for traffic, it's better in my opinion to see if it's leaking. Put a fresh CO2 cartridge in and give it a dunk.

What type of magazine is it?

My WE magazines have a cover that goes over the body, I really hate the design but it makes finding leaks very easy as I can leave the cover off and monitor the valves and the seals all at once.
Example: My one magazine was leaking and I could hear it (didn't dunk it) so, I took it apart put gasket maker on the seal, put it all back together and let it sit for a day. I put gas in it and it was still leaking. I decided to dunk it and the bubbles are coming from the top nozzle, the striker valve was leaking. I could have saved time and a headache if I would have visually seen where the leak was.

Should a gas magazine hold all it's gas? In every instance yes, but this is not the case. Everything man made is made to fail. In a CO2 format, the cartridge sits against a Teflon ring, but there are o-rings beyond that point.
Can you fix it? Yes, but it will take some major dis-assembly of the valve system to see where it is leaking.
Should you fix it? Well, that's up to you. It should hold the CO2 for more than one night, you have a major leak and if you dunk it, you can further diagnose exactly where the leak is coming from.
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