bigbuzz666 I don't know if you wear corrective lenses and/or plan to use Rx inserts.
I do and in my case have opted for ESS Profile NVGs for goggles and ESS ICE 2.4 for glasses: both can use the same Rx insert, which is a big plus (only need to update prescriptions for one set of inserts).
As Kokanee stated, they'll fog in high humidity conditions -- usually the inserts fog first since they're in contact with my skin around the edges. I use dish washing liquid to control fog. Most of the time I use the ICEs so that also helps.
The Profile NVGs work with helmets (L/XL MICH and M/L AirFrame in my case) and with a TMC half face mesh mask. I've also used the NVGs comfortably for extended periods in conjunction with an organic vapor half mask respirator (non airsoft use).