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Old January 12th, 2012, 12:33   #198
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Pickering, Ontario
Originally Posted by Luujerr View Post
anyone else having issues sighting this? I put on a 3-9x40 scope and I can't sight the scope low enough to where the gun hits... I aimed the scope all the way down and hop-up all the way up and still no dice. I'm using G&G .2g bbs that came with the gun. target is roughly 15m away

I thought maybe i had a defective scope but same issue with my 2.5-10x40
stock iron sights work but i need to raise the rear sight nearly all the way

did i do something stupid?
the first issue is the BBs you are using, .2s are going to be way to light for that gun. I found with mine it shot like crap with both .2s and .25s.

They would come out all wonky and not fly straight or they wouldent go very far. it wasnt until i dropped the 36s in there did it start to really work well.

Im also not using a scope on mine but i also use mine as an assult rifle or sorts. not a DMR.

Originally Posted by Fuzzy View Post
What kind of duster gas do you use? I had used propane exclusively so I am not very familiar with the specifics of duster gas.
The stuff i use is a brand called "blow off", i have had a great amount of luck with it.

As long as you do not try to dump the mag at a crazy rapid rate one after the other you can get the whole 22 round mag out of a single fill with it. however this being said, over the summer at PRZ i was able to fire it fairly rapidly and still get use of the whole mag, a double tap here and a triple tap there is fine, but laying on the trigger and frying to do a 22 round tap wont fly.
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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