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Old January 11th, 2012, 20:52   #32
DrDoUm's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by Rickshaw View Post
If you're close enough to push the persons arm against their body, you're close enough to grab the persons wrist and punch them in the throat as well. I couldn't see someone inflicting much damage to a person while trying to keep his foe's arm pressed against his body, but I don't really have much experience in unarmed combat to begin with so I may be wrong.
What you're saying is true... you do have the option to punch him in the throat or do whatever fits your needs on the moment...

While the principle is a bit hard to explain in a short text, the idea is to act fast and prevent the attacker from even taking the weapon out (if possible) or to keep it in a weak position if the weapon is already out.

1)While pushing you can use the weight of your body against the strenght of his single arm... sure, he could contre-attack but all you need is a few seconds to neutralize him, break out and run...

2)Holding a wrist with one hand is quite hard... the weak point is the space between the tip of your index and the tip of your thumb. The attacker can break out of your grasp forcing with the strenght of his whole arm against only the strength of your fingers

Sure this might sound hazardous, but remember this is a survival situation, something that you should not be exposed to that often... Again, this is a self-defense technique teached to unarmed civilians. I'm sure peace keepers are taught other technics since they can rely on weapons.

Last edited by DrDoUm; January 11th, 2012 at 20:59..
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