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Old January 11th, 2012, 16:04   #14
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Location: France, Canada (Montréal)
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Nobody makes the 417 true but 4 make the SR 25 (A&K, G&G, G&P and Jing Gong) and three of them are compatible with Pmags (with a bit of sanding in the mag sometime needed but still).

Never tried the 7.62 pmags on my RS (only regular G36-like mags) but given the amount of magpul fashion addicts (me included) I would hardly see them not making it compatible.
And given they can't use the same line as the SCAR mags there would be no excuse to do proprietary.

And the "unhandy" G36 mags consider this :
- Fully translucent : I always know what's in (even on Pmag you won't be able to tell soon enough)
- Big with non-flat surface : easy to grab and hold gloves or no gloves (regular AR15 : slip quite easily)
- No need for redy mag (100/150+ USD accessory) : I couple them and fast reload (its own point)
- Thick sides and polymer : if it bends, come back in place (on AR15 you're screwed and it happens quite a lot)

The G36 is also getting new mags as part of IDZ project (thinner but still with coupling, kinda like a Sig 55x serie, 556 aside) but no matter how much I like the 417 the G36 will always be superior to any AR platform (yeah I said it ). if Mylord H&K could please make a 7.62 version that would be great...
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Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
Heavy custom builder (including painting)

Last edited by Ninja_En_Short; January 11th, 2012 at 16:06..
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