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Old January 10th, 2012, 22:24   #86
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Mississauga
Lol I wore a "bulletproof vest" to school on halloween. Out of my 4 teachers, only one knew what it was at first glance. What was also funny was that my friend had a cardboard gun for drama and I borrowed it. Then my friend comes along in full airsoft gear. I gave him the gun and his look was so complete, some people forgot it was halloween ans started to ask him how it was to be in the armed forces. No, they weren't joking. We had to remind them it was halloween....
VFC HK416C Crushed Orchid - VFC SR16 BCM ZTW

TM G17 Loki Tactical Pink - TM G19 TTI Combat Master
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