I used the prices I have found....
TM VSR10 good luck finding one those with one dont sell it cheap but yes the vsr10 hunter crom plated is 800$. yea fully upraged you can find them for 1000$ that someone is bored with.
CA M24 $500 here in edmonton normally always in stock at capital airsoft.
You can get L96 gas those are the ones I have seen.
Echo 1 ASR take APS2 parts exept for the trigger box and the one that comes with it already seared and takes a beating at 500FPS and no issues so far.
Take all info with a grain of salt yes CA m24 and TM VSR10 are the 2 tops at most lists but if yuou want an out of the box gun the ASR works better than more expensive ones out there. It it also definatly a more unique rifle if you are into that kinda thing.
Last edited by Foxer2373; January 10th, 2012 at 18:24..