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Old January 8th, 2012, 00:32   #9
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Ladysmith BC
alright, new parts in, and installed .. and when it does fire it does fire better LOL ...

I think I've found the issue.. and seeking a little advice before I go ahead with my 'plan of attack'

it appears that when the trigger is pulled the trigger sear can't get over the little bump in the trigger bar to catch the hammer on the slides return to battery.

in an effort to avoid filling things (even though it's miniscule) any one have an suggestion before I take the needle file to the parts. (I've tried altering the bend of the trigger bar slightly.. it's better but nooottttt quittteee there)
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
Leader - M.E.R.C. multi enviroment recon CAVALRY

"SIR!, you've gone mad with power!"
"Ofcourse I have, you ever gone mad without power, it's useless, no one pays any attention"
The Cavalry Comes
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