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Old January 6th, 2012, 23:27   #14
Lycanthrope's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: New Zealand
I love the Contour HD for these reasons:

-Can film for over 2 hours
-60fps at 720p or 30fps at 1080p
-Has a sliding power switch instead of a button (you flick it up and down)
-It's fine for low lighting despite what the other guy said.
-Slim, low profile
-Adjusts to different lighting very quickly
-Long battery life

That's just my personal opinion I've used my friends contour before, read reviews of it, watched videos of it being used, and I'm currently saving up to purchase my own!

I'm only 14 so funds are a bit of a problem to be completely honest however I'd love to upload some videos of gameplay at my local cqb arena for all of you guys in Canada.
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